

DustLess® is an environmentally safe dust suppressant that eliminates the need to water, does not dry out and is ideal for high traffic areas. Clear and odorless DustLess® is highly refined, and proven to be non-toxic to humans, animals, marine life and plants. DustLess® comes ready to use (no water or mixing required). Perfect for applications at construction sites, unpaved roads, gravel parking lots, mining sites and quarries.

Most dust suppression treatments just coat the dust particles. DustLess® works differently. DustLess® soaks into the individual soil/dust particles making them too heavy to move thus eliminating dust. It does not form a crust and never evaporates thereby being unaffected by traffic. Because it never evaporates it lasts a very long time, often 9-12 months or more of dust control with one application. Plus, when it's time to re-apply it is done at a much lower rate insuring cost effective long lasting dust control.

DustLess® is an environmentally safe dust suppressant that eliminates the need to water, does not dry out and is ideal for high traffic areas. Clear and odorless DustLess® is highly refined, and proven to be non-toxic to humans, animals, marine life and plants. DustLess® comes ready to use (no water or mixing required). Perfect for applications at construction sites, unpaved roads, gravel parking lots, mining sites and quarries.

DustLess® - What Others Say

  • We recently contacted MSgt Moore and he responded this week with the following message:

    I would be glad to answer any questions anyone has about your product. Dustless is just another weapon in our arsenal to try to reduce the impact dust has on our operations here. The aviation community relies heavily on dust abatement to be successful in their missions here. As you can imagine, it would be very hard to land a helicopter when you cannot determine where the ground is located. Your product actually serves a two fold purpose. It not only suppresses the dust it changes the color of the surface soil for a visual aid reference as to where the ground surface is actually located. I have been working on dust abatement issues in the Marine Corps for the past five or six years. The Dustless prod

  • Dust control has always been an issue for our explosives and blasting operation. We've been using DustLess with excellent results, as you can probably see from the regular orders. Thank you DirtGlue.

    Michael Huttenback

  • I am happy to write this endorsement for DustLess. Our company is a subcontractor in a fracking operation, responsible for dust control on the gravel roads leading to the work site(s). The authorities prohibited the use of water in dust control, and we were in a very difficult situation until we ran across your product. It's really impressive, especially the fact that despite the weight and size of the equipment on our roads, it lasted the entire season. We'll order again in the spring.

    Samantha Hallowell

  • Thank you for coming down all the way to New York City last summer to see the site. As you know, we were getting fined by the city for the dust generated by the construction equipment working on the large gravel lot. I just wanted to drop a line and tell you the product worked like a charm. I am very impressed and I make it a point to mention it to all my colleagues.

    Abraham Beutler

  • We applied DustLess to our community road (leads to 14 houses) two and a half years ago, and I know you suggested reapplying a small amount every 12 months to keep it like new, but honestly, it is still holding up like new. Sure dust gets kicked up by the tires, but you never see any in the air, because in a second it's right back down on the ground, where it belongs. Really amazing stuff.

    Nicholas Mercola


DirtGlue Enterprises, LLC


395 Main Street, Unit 7
Salem, NH 03079